Hybrid Feis 2023

The 2023 Hybrid Feis is coming up with the final taking place on Sunday 26th March, in the Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan. 

If your child wishes to enter a poem or monologue, you must submit your video to Aisling Toher before Tuesday 31st January. 

Please make sure the video is filmed in landscape, with a blank background.

If your child is doing a musical theatre piece, please let Aisling know the song they are hoping to do (we have a few good suggestions if needed) and we can arrange a karaoke track for them.

Musical theatre songs must also be submitted before Tuesday 31st January as well.

Please contact Aisling if you need any help or information. 

There is a €5 entry fee and the judges will select a top 12 from the video submissions.
